WeatherAll® – Insulating underlayment for exterior cladding.
Time Proven Performance – By delivering performance and value, WeatherAll® has become the leading EPS continuous insulation used to enhance the look and life of vinyl siding. Since 1978, the WeatherAll® family has offered proven performance in homes across the U.S. and Canada; in homes just like yours. Whether it’s the blistering heat of a South Carolina summer, or the numbing cold of winter in Vermont, you can put WeatherAll®’s thermal power to work for the comfort of your family.
Features to Meet Your Needs – WeatherAll® is available in a variety of grades to ensure that your project requirements are met. Concerned about meeting Energy Codes on your new home? Need a more rigid vinyl siding base, or more flexibility? Wondering how to get the most payback on an older home built in an era of low energy costs? Need enhanced R-value thermal power, or will the industry standard work for you? Be confident with WeatherAll® polystyrene insulation. Your professional installer can help you choose the WeatherAll® features best suited to your needs.
Just Enough Variety – Material thickness, density and adhered films work together to give optimal results and a professional look to your home. Designed to provide a continuous layer of insulation around your home, WeatherAll® provides extra thermal power by insulating wall studs and framing members, WeatherAll® also creates a solid, level surface that improves the finished look of vinyl.
Nonstop Savings – The thermal power of polystyrene works in all seasons, improving your home’s comfort and efficiency. Whether it is time for the air conditioner, heat pump or furnace you can relax knowing your energy dollars will go further with the CI Plus performance of WeatherAll®.
PolarBack™ – Form fitting continuous insulation.

Vinyl siding offers you a classic look with modern convenience. And it’s available in styles, colors and accents that can showcase your taste. Protect the beauty, durability and value of your home with PolarBack™ continuous insulation. Precision cut, it fits to siding contours for support and the feel of wood siding.
PolarBack™ is Continuous Insulation (CI). Polar Industries has been promoting the advantages of CI since 1978. CI is a layer of thermal resistance applied to the exterior walls of your home. When professionally installed it forms an uninterrupted thermal barrier that will reduce energy costs. In fact it offers such an advantage that CI has been added to the Energy Code. PolarBack™ will enhance the thermal performance of your home, and help it meet code.